If any warning lights appear on your dashboard, we can perform a diagnostic plug-in for £45 + VAT. This will diagnose the issue with your vehicle. We can then provide you with the necessary advice and information on how to fix any issues.
These days, the majority of vehicles are fitted with an on-board computer called an electronic control unit (ECU). This monitors the performance of your engine and flags any issues via a dashboard warning light.
If you’ve noticed a light on your dashboard, call in for a diagnostic check today. We will use state-of-the-art technology to identify any issues and remedy them before they start causing you serious problems.
If your engine does require any repair work, we have all the knowledge and expertise to help. With high-quality replacement parts on hand, we can offer a comprehensive range of engine repairs.
We can even offer full engine replacements if your current engine has reached the end of its life. We can provide you with an engine to suit your needs and budget and get you back on the road.
Keeping your engine in good repair is a great way to increase the lifespan of your vehicle. If a single component or even a whole engine is damaged, it doesn’t mean the whole vehicle needs to be scrapped.
By repairing or replacing your engine, we can help you get more from your vehicle, saving you money and hassle in the long run.
Contact our garage today to discuss your needs with a reliable, local expert.
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